Thursday, July 7, 2011

Slow and Steady

Changing the dosage of topiramate from 200 mg down to 150 mg has been easy.  I've had no side effects so far this week.  When I changed the dosage 100 mg, I could feel that.  I got headaches.  This has been an easy week.  Of course, it helps having no responsibility this week.  My husband is out of town and I am enjoying the solitude. 

I spoke to a neighbor who is beginning to have menopausal issues.  Her hormones are giving her grief.  She is hot all the time and she has no patience, especially with her husband.  I told her the heat problem would pass in a few years but the patience issue was probably here to stay.  It seems as women lose estrogen, their husbands lose testosterone and turn into wimps.  We get tired of living with someone who is weak and wants us to take care of him.  Grow a pair.  Quit being such a wuss. 

I need to go meditate.  That seems to motivate me.  It helps me find my purpose and keeps me from ramming people with my cart at the grocery store.  OHM.  OHM. 

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